sábado, 27 de agosto de 2011

Futuro Prefab

Futuro Prefab by Matti Suuronen

Today I am going to talk about this mobile spaceship house. What attract attention to me is especially the fact that, despite its modern look, it was designed in 1968. Matti Suuronen selected a round airship design, as it would be strong as well as spacious. The walls of the house are constructed using polyester plastic. Being lightweight, this house may easily be transported elsewhere and also remains well-insulated.

As things stand today, with the global economic crisis, low wages and unemployment, I see this type of construction as a solution asquible housing for young and not so young people who can not afford paying a mortgage, or simply for those adventurous who like to travel the world without a fixed address.

In the following link  and also hereyou have more details, I hope you like it.

sábado, 6 de agosto de 2011

I´m Back

Hello, after my brief disappearance, I'm back and eager to write. I finall got a job as a designer and I moved to Madrid, this two weeks have been the most stressful of my life, look for a flat here is crazy.

Most are crappy, you have to go up to almost 400 euros to find a decent room in an aparment, because to rent a flat for yourself is almost impossible, you must have an indecent salary ;) 

Finally I found a place to settle, at least for my probation period of three monts. It is 20 minutes walking from my job which allows me to save money in subway tickets and gain quality of life. I want tell you something about my new job, the company is called Senteo, and is located in the Salamanca district, which for anyone who does not know, is one of the most exclusive in Madrid.

My work has been the branding of a Russian bank, is very interesting and I've been learning from my colleagues who are professionals with many years of experience behind them. I hope to keep learning every day with them.

And I can't tell you more I guess, I'm still in the process of adapting to all these changes, but I promise to keep writing and telling more about design, the reason why I started to write this blog.

Regards from my new location,